HUNDREDS of people took to the streets of Breightmet for a torchlight parade to herald the coming of the new year.

The sight of a throng of children carrying colourful home-made paper lanterns on the procession to Withins Hill even brought some spectators to tears and the whole event has been hailed as a huge success by organisers from Breightmet Arts.

Last night's parade began at Breightmet Labour Club in Milnthorpe Road and wound its way to the hill before finishing with a celebratory bash at Withins Leisure Centre.

The event marks the end of weeks of hard work by Breightmet Arts co-ordinator Les Elvin and his team who have worked with the community and schoolchildren to create the colourful lanterns.

Mr Elvin said they wanted a spectacular event to celebrate the new year and they certainly weren't disappointed with the turnout. "I would say it was wonderful and magical, even awesome," said Mr Elvin.

More than 200 people took part in the parade including children from St Andrew's, Top O' Th' Brow, Roscow Fold and Red Lane primary schools.

Breightmet councillor John Byrne led the procession with a lantern designed by children in New Zealand who have struck up an e-mail friendship with their counterparts at St Andrew's school.

And the marchers were helped along their way thanks to Bolton percussion group Pulse and street dancers from the Dance Fusion troupe.