I WOULD just like to say I am a Conservative voter, but in the last election I did not vote. There were many electors like me. That is why the Conservative vote dropped in the last General Election and New Labour took home a thumping majority.

I also believe in Bolton South East constituency where I voted, the Conservative vote stayed at home and the 1997 general result in the Bolton South East constituency is in reality a fictitious result.

I have received a wonderful newspaper from the Bolton South East Conservative Party. This is the first time in 30 years I have received such wonderful Conservative Party literature. The Bolton South East Conservatives are alive and kicking, and by the looks of the parliamentary candidate he is young and handsome.

I believe we have the right candidate in Haroon Rashid, and yes, he is right, we are a forgotten constituency, and the Labour Party have taken us for granted.

Britain is a Conservative nation. We always have been and will be. New Labour has forgotten middle England and I believe these are the people who will decide the next General Election. In Bolton South East, I believe we will have a close run affair.

Well done, the Conservative Party in Bolton South East. You have chosen a good candidate and I'm sure Brian Iddon will be worried!

Mary Sutherland

Plodder Lane
