THE recent revelation that the National Health Service will not be recruiting an additional 20,000 nurses is yet another example of Labour lies concerning the health service.

When the Labour Government published their NHS Plan, they promised to recruit an additional 20,000 nurses by 2004. It is now apparent that many of the positions will be part-time. Not only have the people of Bolton been misled, but so, too, was Christine Hancock from the Royal College of Nursing.

This, sadly, should not have come as a surprise as the Labour Party has continuously misled Bolton people with a stream of policy announcements.

Many people in Bolton will remember that during the 1997 General Election, Tony Blair claimed he had only 24 hours to save the National Health Service. Well, he has had almost four years, and things are getting worse! This Labour Government is all spin and no delivery, and has again demonstrated how they continue to betray the people.

Michael Winstanley



for Bolton NE


Higher Bridge Street
