MAY I firstly pass on my deepest sympathy to Mr Arrowsmith's wife and family, who died protecting his property (The yobs who walked free, BEN, December 12).

A lot of people are very angry at the verdict on the yobs who helped to cause his death.

Every way you turn it seems there is never any justice. You blame the police -- they blame the magistrates -- they blame the Government. Could someone tell me who would have been to blame had Mr Arrowsmith caused an injury to one of these yobs?

Then he would have been been charged and sentenced.

We keep hearing of new laws for anti-social behaviour, nuisance tenants, etc, but at their own admission some of these have never been implemented.

Now we have got the Human Rights Bill. Who is this directed at -- decent people or anti-social people?

Come on, get real. Things will never get better until law means law, and punishment means punishment.

R Lilley

Crompton Way
