A MOTHER is making a desperate appeal for her daughter to be given a birthday gift of life.

When Emma Standish celebrates her 10th birthday in little more than a week's time, top of her wish list will be a new heart.

She was struck down by a lightning illness at the end of June.

And within months, Emma has been transformed from a normal, healthy child, into a wheelchair bound youngster.

Today, she is in the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital in Pendlebury, being fed through tubes after developing problems with her medicine.

Her condition will not improve, and she is now on the waiting list for a heart transplant.

As revealed in the BEN, Emma, from Philips Avenue, Farnworth, had never shown signs of heart problems but started being sick in the summer.

The mystery bug, which leaves the heart in a weakened condition, caused weight loss and made her constantly feel sleepy.

When the family doctor could find nothing wrong with Emma, her mother, Deborah Cartwright, took her to the hospital.

A further assessment at Newcastle initially showed Emma would need a heart transplant in the future, but not with any urgency.

However, that situation has since changed and the youngster has been transferred to the transplant list.

Deborah said: 'It's heartbreaking to see what has happened to her. If she could keep food and drink down she might be allowed home, but then we would have to sit and wait for a new heart.

"The illness just came on. We still do not know what has caused it.

"Emma knows what is going on and she is being incredibly brave. But she is down most of the time and has had to go in a wheelchair because she no longer has the strength to walk.

"Sometimes to look at her you would never think there was anything wrong.

"Since the end of June, she has gone back to school, but gets sick and has to come home again. A tutor is being organised for her.

"We have been told that Emma's heart will not improve, and so she now needs a heart transplant.

"It is like we are going through a nightmare that has taken over all our lives.

"We would never have thought about heart transplants or donors in the past, but now we realise just how important they are."

Emma, a pupil at St Peter's School, Farnworth, has a twin brother, Adam, and older brother Christopher, 15.

Deborah said: "Emma is 10 on November 22 and there is no doubt in all our minds what the perfect birthday present for her would be."