FORGIVE me if I'm wrong, but I always believed Guy Fawkes was celebrated on November 5! Fireworks have been going off in my area since mid-October, and are still going off tonight, November 9.

When I was small we got a small box of fireworks (no bangers) and they were kept out of our way until November 5 and the organised street bonfire which was completely securely supervised by parents and neighbours.

What the hell has gone wrong? What are the powers that be thinking of? It's like living in a war zone. The fireworks that are being sold now are like lethal weapons.

I was walking home from my sons on Sunday evening along Deane Church Lane and a banger went off suddenly about 100 yards from me. I froze on the spot. I thought someone had thrown a hand grenade. Why and how are these fireworks being allowed to be bought by just anyone who cares to cause a nuisance?

I live in flats and we have a chute to put our rubbish down. Of course some idiot youths thought it would be good fun to put a large banger down the chute. An elderly blind lady lives in a flat right next to the chutes. God knows what it did to her. I almost jumped out of my skin. Fire works should only be sold to organised bonfire groups and it's well past time that the government recognised this.

Mrs L M Robinson

Georgina Court,

