I AM writing on behalf of The Cancer Research Campaign as the charity's patron for Breast Cancer Awareness Month to thank everyone in the area for their superb support throughout October.

They were among the thousands of people nationwide who took part in Get in the Pink and Get Busted events to raise funds specifically for The Campaign's breast cancer research programme. Our target was half a million pounds and the fantastic news is that we're well on track to reaching it! So, if you haven't already sent in the money you have raised, please do so as soon as you can!

Others showed their support by wearing The Campaign's pink breast cancer awareness ribbon. Among them were The Spice Girls, Olympic bronze medallist Kelly Holmes, The Bill actor Billy Murray and TV presenters Josie D'Arby and Gail Porter!

The month also succeeded in getting everyone talking about breast cancer -- a disease which one in 10 women in the UK will develop at some time during their life.

No one spends more on research into breast cancer and the way it impacts on the lives of patients and their families than The Cancer Research Campaign. Thanks to the work of Campaign-funded scientists, and others, deaths from breast cancer have fallen dramatically over the last 10 years as a result of earlier detection and improved treatment. Yet, despite this, The Campaign receives no Government funding and relies entirely on voluntary contributions.

If you missed out on the fun during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it is not too late to get involved and support The Cancer Research Campaign. For more information on breast cancer and the work of The Campaign, call 0800 CANCER, that's 0800 226237. Alternatively, visit The Campaign's website: www.crc.org.uk

Thank you.

Jenny Pitman

Patron of Breast Cancer Awareness Month for The Cancer Research Campaign