BAROC CAFE BAR, Halliwell Road, Bolton.

THE WRIGHTS ARMS, Belmont Road, Bolton. For details of all events ring Bolton 811206.

BULLS HEAD PUB, (Bottom Bull), Bury Road, Bolton. Live bands Fridays and Saturdays, 9pm. Ring Bolton 523855.

THE ANTELOPE, Manchester Road, Kearsley. Karaoke with Alan and Iris, Fri and Sat. 8.30pm start. Bolton 707481.

THE WHITE HORSE, Bury Road, Edgworth. Mon, 9.30pm, quiz nights Bolton 852929.

THE WILLOWS, (formerly Turton Heights), Bradshaw Road, Bolton. Jackpot quiz, £500, Thurs at 9pm. All welcome. Ring Bolton 852475.