THANKS a million for the true, heartfelt laughter that I had on seeing that wonderful picture by Marc Berry on the back page of the BEN (Tuesday, October 24). The mud-splattered youngster, aged nine, albeit a girl, was brilliant!!

The grin, the posture, the triumph and delight was portrayed perfectly. It should have been on the FRONT page. What parent could not have taken pleasure at seeing such happiness -- and forget the clean-up. I must confess, I'm still chuckling.

Some years ago, someone wrote to the Evening News claiming that only the bad news makes the headlines and it was getting the BEN a bad name. So the Editor, at that time, said he would try to print at least one GOOD piece of news on the front page whenever possible. It worked -- for a while. Why not try to revive it so that, on our bus trips to town, we can share the fun and laughter with our fellow passengers and lighten up our days?

Top marks to Marc Berry. Let's have more of your brilliant artistry.

Mrs J Sheridan

Meadowside Avenue, Bolton