ANY band that begins their set with 'Another Brick in the Wall' is alright by me, so when No Idea kicked off with this particular number I immediately switched to party mode and stayed that way for two sets.

They are one of Bolton's newest bands (in fact I think it was only their second gig) and to be honest I didn't think they were going to be as good as they were. On my way to the gig however, I called into my local and was told by one of the barmaids that she had heard them soundchecking earlier in the day and they sounded good . . . and she wasn't wrong.

Basically they're a six piece pub band. so don't go expecting a load of original material, but what you do get is a mix of classic rock songs from different eras performed with a lot of skill and more importantly enthusiam.

In fact the night before, I'd been to see another band (who shall remain nameless) who quite frankly looked as though they were just going through the motions. No Idea on the other hand were oviously fans of the music they performed and this spilled over into the audience.

A lot of the time 'encores' are merely asked for by audiences who want to prolong drinking up time, but in this case the encores were heart-felt and deserved.

There's certainly some talented musicians here, and if they do a few more gigs of this standard, and maybe learn a couple of more 'obscure' classics, they'll soon pick up a big following. Nice one!

PS And the support act wasn't bad either!