Was this person truly responding to your article on Joyce Mugglestone's decision to have a child, or just exposing their own bigoted homophobic attitude?

I am sure some parents would not feel that gays and lesbians should become parents, but as long as a child is loved and cared for I don't really see what it should matter.

The majority of children that are raised by homosexual couples become 'normal' adults (mostly heterosexual!!). Homosexuality is not a conscious decision and cannot be forced upon an individual.

As for the comment on Clause 28 allowing school children to discuss homosexuality, most male children around the age of 11 use the words puff, queer, ponce in playground bullying/banter.

So isn't it best to educate our children that we do all reside in a very diverse community. I am sure this will be done in a very delicate and hush, hush manner.

After all, we do educate secondary school pupils about the usage of drugs and I don't think they all go home and experiment!

As for the comments on the public lavatories, all I can say is I would no more like to chase someone around one as K H Colley would.

And I would just like to add that I am very proud to live in this nation, and am very proud to belong to the very brave homosexual community that is constantly subjected to narrow-minded views.

Miss Naomi Durkin

(Address supplied)