THROUGH your Readers Page, I would like to say a big thank you to everyone involved in my Gift of Life Fundraising Appeal, which was launched a couple of months ago.

The appeal is going very well and I'm determined to raise as much as possible for kidney patients, and help buy much needed equipment during my year in office.

The BEN is backing this appeal, and has already given us tremendous publicity for the events we have held.

Can I offer a very special thank you to you and your staff for all they are doing, their support and help has been vital to us.

Thanks must also go to the volunteers who are helping in many different ways, from organising administrative tasks to coming down and helping at the events -- you are all truly special to us and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

May I finally ask anyone who feels they can help, or perhaps would like to make a small donation, to ring our special Gift of Life direct line number which is 01204 331089.

Thank you.

Cllr Alan Wilkinson

Mayor of Bolton