To get right to the point, this is probably the best band I've heard this year! And do you know why? Because they exude enthusiasm!

Yeh, enthusiasm, a state of mind that seems to be missing from the majority of cynical bands I've seen this year. Checkmate are obviously a student band, and after talking to them it seems they are a product of the excellent system that produces so many good musicians from Smithills school.

This band were so tight, as I walked to the gig and heard it from outside I thought it there was a disco on. OK there was nothing much more than a Commitments type soul band, but Checkmate seem to have got it right, The brass section in particular deserve a medal for being so sharp.

There was nothing new here, but as a soul covers band they did the business. Its a shame, coz they'll probably split up this year as they all drift on to university (or whatever) but hey, that's rock and roll.

In the meantime they are probably the best band you'll see live in this neck of the woods, so make the most of it and check 'em out while you can. A personal note to the band though...skip the Beatles stuff and don't swap instruments so much (although I realise you may do it because you don't quite have a full set.).your sheer exuberance and musicianship made me walk out of the Farmers happier than when I went in (and that's saying something!).

Nice one!

PS 'Try a little tenderness' is an excellent encore