WRITE in response to the editor's note to the Council Tax letter 'Defaulters Should Not Be Humiliated', BEN, July 17, stating that "it is in the public interest to do so."

Well I may be on my own here, but I find it about as interesting as my next door neighbours' gas bill.

But here's a novel idea, how about naming and shaming a list of car thieves and house burglars caught and dealt with each week, names and addresses supplied of course, so the public know who's really ripping them off.

Think of the poor woman who nominated someone 'rat of the week' for stealing her car, and, to top it, had to pay over £100 to retrieve it from the compound in Stockport. No doubt that took a sizeable chunk out of her household budget, and perhaps in turn left her short for her Council Tax bill. But who do we name and shame, not the car thief that's for sure, unless by some small miracle the rat gets caught, and even then if the person is under-age the law protects their identity.

If the BEN listed as many thieves as they do the Council Tax dodgers, I certainly feel this would serve the public interest far better than listing who has not paid their Council Tax bill.

Oh, and just for the record, I'm struggling to pay mine.

Margot Gibson

Breightmet Drive

Breightmet, Bolton