Mr Tom Penman (Your Views, July 17) is entitled to his opinion, but how dare he insult the Queen Mother by using her birthday to promote the memory of Diana.

The Queen Mum is a woman of dignity and courage, loyal to the nation and her husband. Neither of them wanted to be what fate decreed they be, yet they accepted their lot with grace.

She did not stamp her foot, become bulimic and petulant when she did not get her own way.

She did not seek and use every camera opportunity to promote herself.

She did not have liaisons with married men, haunt them with phone calls and, subsequently, be responsible for two broken marriages.

No. This wonderful old lady, the Queen Mother, does not deserve a candle, a whole bonfire would not be enough for her.

We owe her a debt of gratitude, and if everyone who felt as I do did light a bonfire on August 4 there would be one heck of a smog on August 5.

Mrs D Perks

Cromford Close

