AN anti-Crime crusade by police and council chiefs in Bolton has been hailed a success.

At the end of May a publicity and leaflet campaign was launched aimed at boosting calls to the police's confidential Crimestoppers hotline.

It has seen the number of calls received last month more than double.

Of 87 arrests by Greater Manchester Police, resulting from calls to the Crimestoppers line, a quarter were in "K" Division which covers the Bolton area.

And today police bosses praised townsfolk's help in their fight against crime.

Chief Supt Mel Pelham said: "I cannot overstate the importance of Crimestoppers. It enables us to take prompt action while not putting callers at risk.

"I look forward to us all building on the success of the scheme at Bolton."

Thousands of leaflets were delivered to Bolton homes after Supt Don Brown and Cllr Frank White, cabinet member for social inclusion and community safety, launched the publicity campaign. Cllr White said: "The campaign has been a fantastic success.

"This demonstrates that if a community works with and supports the police we can beat the 'criminal'. Bolton is an example to the rest of the Greater Manchester Police Area.

"Crimestoppers is a superb initiative and the figures show that it really does work.

"Anyone who has information but is afraid to approach the police should ring the free number and they will be guaranteed anonymity."

Crimestoppers is a national organisation which urges people to give information about crimes. Cash rewards are sometimes paid to callers whose information leads to the arrest and charge of a law-breaker.

Yesterday Sue Arden, Regional Manager for the Greater Manchester Crimestoppers, also praised the campaign's success

She added: "The quality of calls has been excellent and in June the number of arrests from calls to Crimestoppers in the Bolton area was the highest number ever attributed to any one division."

The Crimestoppers anonymous freephone line 0800 555 111.