BOLTON Lads and Girls Club is to get the Royal seal of approval later this month when it is visited by the Duke of Gloucester.

The Duke, who is a qualified architect, will cast his professional eye over plans for the club's new multi-million pound premises on Spa Road.

He will be shown the site for the £4 million pound facility and meet the people behind the ambitious project as well as some of the club's young members.

Manager of Bolton Lads and Girls Club Jeremy Glover said: "The new building is the main reason for his visit to the club as it is the only one of its kind in the country. No other town has managed to raise £4 million for a town centre youth club and he wanted to meet the people and companies responsible."

The project is being partially funded by a Lottery grant and has received a wealth of support from local businesses.

Mr Glover said: "It is fantastic for the club and everyone associated with it. We have done an excellent job over the last 10 years, including some new and innovative work for the children of the town. Bolton's leading the way with the new club and he wanted to see that."

As President of the National Association of Clubs for Young People, this will be the Duke's third visit to the club - the last was six years ago. He will arrive in Bolton with his wife, the Duchess, on Tuesday June 27 at around 2.25pm and they will fulfil separate engagements before meeting up at The Octagon for a special Supporters' Reception.

The Duchess is expected at Bolton School for the afternoon, where she will hopefully catch a few races in the Preparatory School Girl's Division sports day.

She will then make her way over to the Boy's Division to see the new 6th form building, which has been funded by pupil's parents.

The school, which is celebrating its Centenary, has invited the Duchess to officially open the new block and unveil a plaque.

After their afternoon duties the couple will be driven to The Octagon to celebrate a successful year of theatre and say thank-you to the supporters.