HEADTEACHERS in Bolton who struggle to stay within the law on daily assemblies are getting a helping hand from a church-based hit squad.

Young people in the squad are being trained to put on interesting, attention-grabbing assemblies which capture the imagination of pupils.

The Impact team uses drama, video, music and other techniques to bring home Christian, moral or social messages in a show.

But they are so much in demand that they cannot accept all the invitations to go into schools with their own brand of Christian cool.

Now organisers are looking for sponsorship to expand the assembly project which operates from Bolton Pentecostal Church on Bury Road.

Already the church has taken on a full time director, Keith Reid, who is responsible for extending the work of the project and training more youngsters to join the four-strong team which changes every year.

Mr Reid said: "Some schools found it difficult when collective worship was made compulsory because half the teachers do not believe in God. But we are quite young and trendy so young people can relate to us and we use drama, games and multi-media to make assemblies more interesting.

"It's mainly from a Christian perspective, but we also do assemblies which deliver other messages such as the importance of persistance.

"Some of the schools would have us in every day if they could, but we only have limited finance and need to find some kind of sponsorship."

The Impact team also support other aspects of school work such as running lunchtime clubs and working in units with disaffected youngsters.

Keith said: "We do not want to force our beliefs on anyone, but we can help schools out with assemblies and act as role models for young people."

The team is inviting would-be business sponsors to attend an open evening at the church on the evening of July 8 when they can find out more and meet teachers who see the team's work on a regular basis.

Mr Ward can be contacted at the church on 361704.