THE PitmanTraining Centre in Knowsley Street, Bolton, held an open day to promote its new recruitment arm.

Horwich-based BTG (Bolton Training Group) has operated the local Pitman franchise since 1997.

Thirty local organisations were invited to send representatives to look at the new recruitment initiative.

About 50 trainees a week -- some referred by agencies such as New Deal -- learn various office skills.

The move into job-finding with Pitman Recruitment Services means the Centre can use its database to help fill specific vacancies with people they have trained and assessed.

It specialises in recruitment for jobs in accounts, administration, customer service and word processing and for positions such as computer technician, secretary, general clerk, legal secretary, receptionist/telephonist and VDU operator.

Mrs Jeanette Townsend, Recruitment Co-ordinator, said: "It gives people a better chance of employment.

"We get to know them and are able to match their skills with the jobs available."