CRIME experts from Lancashire are bidding to make security cameras on shops and businesses in Adlington, Turton and Edgworth more effective.

The campaign has been launched following research by the constabulary's Imaging Unit which showed that only 55 per cent of CCTV footage leads to identification or conviction.

Keith Gorton from the Imaging Unit said: "For every criminal positively identified by CCTV, another gets away. The majority of these negative indentifications are due to poor CCTV management by shops and offices." Research showed that a lot of CCTV systems appear to have not been regularly maintained which means they are unusable.

Tapes are blurred because cameras are not focused properly or are dirty, or the videotapes in the machine are several years old and simply worn out.

The Infocus campaign in Lancashire includes leaflets and a short video which explains in non-technical language how to get the best out of any CCTV system.

Infocus can be contacted on 01772 618622.