THE Tories' election victory was a stunning victory by all accounts, and showed just how close they are to becoming a government again. However, they were given a hand.

Regardless of the fact that in order to secure short-term gain the Tories have backed themselves into a very tight corner come the next election over commitments made to privatise healthcare, take on asylum seekers, and allow members of the public to attack anyone who ventures on to their property, they still had friends in high places.

Firstly, they should thank people like Brian Derbyshire and A. Chattin, both of whom brought the prospect of Michael Portillo as Chancellor one step closer by continually attacking the Government.

When the Tories were in charge and trying to increase VAT on fuel for pensioners, freezing their pensions, and offering a measly £10 bonus at Christmas, I rarely read a letter attacking them, and certainly didn't read a BEN article in which they followed a pensioner for a week.

Thanks Brian and Co, William Hague owes you one when he's next in town.

Secondly, the Tories should thank the BEN. The level of negative headlines leading up to the elections made a mockery of its so-called independent stance.

Yes, the BEN didn't support a particular party but bombarding the public with negativity and burying good news deep inside the paper meant the only people to gain would be the Tories.

Raise a glass, Mr Walsh. In two years time when you have secured a deal with the Liberal Democrats and control Bolton Council, you will have your friends in high places to thank -- I don't, however, expect you will read this, as the BEN editorial team are likely to consign this letter to the dustbin.

Mr P Osbourne

Loxham Street

Moses Gate
