EVERYTIME I travel around Bolton I come across a new section of cycle lane.

There must be miles of them on busy arterial roads, and now on the ring road at Moss Bank.

On the face of it, discussed in committee somewhere, it sounds a splendid idea. In reality its quite different.

Bolton is not Holland with miles of flat roads. Travelling along these cycle lanes must be like the alpine section of the "Tour de France."

Months of driver inconvenience and countless thousands of pounds have managed to widen Moss Bank Way and convert it from a busy but moving duel carriageway to an almost stationary single lane road with cycle lane.

On some downhill sections of Moss Bank Way any cyclist is likely to be breaking the new 30 mph speed limit while drivers watch helplessly.

Never mind when drivers are stuck in traffic they can always play "spot the cyclist", but don't hold your breath.

Somewhere in this borough is the one individual who has championed this. Stand up and tell us why, and provide us with the statistics on usage.

M. Taylor

Sharples Ave


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