WITH their yellow test instruments and beaming smiles, James Pope and Shaun Knowles feel on top of the world.

For the youngsters battled hard to beat off more than 400 desperate school leavers to grab just two jobs at gas company Transco.

The duo started work at the firm's Spa Road regional HQ in Bolton yesterday after being offered apprenticeships two weeks ago.

And so far Shaun, aged 18, from Atherton and James, 17, from Rochdale, believe they have made the right move.

Shaun said: "I wasn't quite sure what the job entailed at first. When I initially saw the advertisement I just thought it was something to do with British Gas. But the more I researched the more I knew the job was for me."

His new colleague, James, was also happy. He said: "It was a difficult process. We had psychometric tests which were a shock and then we went on a series of interviews.

"In one we had to design a circuit board. But I am really chuffed to have got through and I'm looking forward to the job."

The company advertised the posts at the end of July but it was stunned to receive so many enquires with 436 asking for the application form.

With 225 people returning the form, Transco had to painstakingly scrutinise each applicant before inviting the youngsters to sit a number of practical and written tests.

It was the first set of trainee posts the company has advertised externally for a number of years after the firm identified a skill shortage in the area. A spokesman for the company said: "Transco is delighted to be able to offer these youngsters the two jobs."

The pair, the first of 20 to be employed nationally, will be trained in electrical and instrumentation engineering, working towards a HNC in engineering over a four-week period.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.