BOARDROOMS should not just be the domain of corporate high-flying whizz kids.

That is the view of directors at car retailers Smith Knight Fay.

The firm is set to offer its Audi Centre's boardroom in Bolton to any group with a need for a marketing venue - for free. Several organisations, including the Royal Society for the Protection of Accidents, the North West Group of Advanced Motorists and a Tameside school have already taken up the offer.

Managing director John Harris said: "This is a unique, free service for businesses or any groups in the community who would like to hold a meeting in peace and privacy."

The company will also provide light refreshments free of charge with housekeeper Wendy Bond lending a hand and making arrangements for telephone, fax and computer link-ups. Groups interested should contact the company's head office on 0161 368 0088 for booking information.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.