Night has fallen, the curtains are closed,

Awoke with a sound, I must have dozed.

The cloak of night is a heavy black,

My weariness tells me to hit the sack.

The day's ups and downs have had their toll,

All I need now is to rest body and soul.

Prepare for tomorrow and an early start,

A night's peaceful sleep, before bed to part.

Get the cat in and check my list,

A nightly ritual that can't be missed.

To keep family together safe and sound,

I am off into the night to start my round.

Lock the garage, the shed, the greenhouse, the doors,

Lock all windows on both floors.

Put on the chains and set the alarm,

Ask God to save us from any harm.

Arnold Harrison

Manchester Road West

Little Hulton

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.