HAVE you ever wondered what it must be like to arrive in Bolton, and what first impression would you get?

Well let's assume that the main route into Bolton is via the A666 from M61. I know it's not always and there may be better ways of entering Bolton but why does the road look so unkept and uncared for? I'm not talking about the standard of the roads but the appearance of the town - your first impression. I travel that journey very often - into and out of Bolton, and in the spring the appearance can be magnificent with the daffodils etc, but for the past month or so you could have lost a large HGV in the undergrowth.

When you get into the town centre and see many of the other attractions to this great town then OK, but can we please offer a better first impression? Is it so much to ask that our main roads into Bolton look so inadequate and present such a scruffy image to the town ?

Tim Richards

Albert Road West


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