BOLTON MPs today gave a mixed reaction to news that parts of the town have kept their crucial assisted area status to create new jobs. As reported yesterday, eight of 20 council wards will still be entitled to special regional investment grants. There were fears that the whole borough could end up with nothing and a delegation from Bolton travelled to London to put forward the borough's case earlier this year.

The successful wards are Blackrod, Burnden, Central, Derby, Farnworth, Halliwell, Kearsley and Tonge.

Dr Brian Iddon, Bolton South-east MP, said: "I am quite pleased, 58 pc of Bolton South-east has been granted assisted area status, although I am disappointed that Harper Green has not been included.

"All three Bolton MPs have been constantly lobbying the Minister and it does seem to have paid off."

Bolton North East MP David Crausby said the new Assisted Area Status agreements were disappointing for his constituency.

He said: "There was a fear that we might end up with nothing at all, so obviously it is better than that. But I am certainly disappointed, particularly in the context of all the recent job losses Bolton has suffered.

"And I am very disappointed that the Breightmet ward is not included."

But Ruth Kelly said: "It shows that the Government have been listening to our concerns. This is a better result than most people expected. I am particularly delighted that Blackrod ward, which contains vital development land such as Middlebrook, Wingates and Lostock, has been recognised as an area of great employment opportunity."

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