BREWERY bosses are confident that anyone who steps into the Finishers Arms will get tip top standards of service.

Because the seven staff at the Church Road pub have all earned the Inn Partnership Pub Staff Development award.

The award is designed to recognise bar staff who have remained loyal to the trade and achieved high standards by taking part in training and development courses.

Licensee Greg Martin said: "When we moved here two years ago we took on new staff and since then we've made sure they've kept up to date with training.

"If they know what they're doing then they can give the best service to customers."

Greg and Rosemary received a framed certificate to mark their achievement and £50 in gift vouchers.

ZPictured above: Greg Martin and his partner Rosemary Leach at the Finishers Arms. BREWERY bosses are confident that anyone who steps into the Finishers Arms will get tip top standards of service.

Because the seven staff at the Church Road pub have all earned the Inn Partnership Pub Staff Development award.

The award is designed to recognise bar staff who have remained loyal to the trade and achieved high standards by taking part in training and development courses.

Licensee Greg Martin said: "When we moved here two years ago we took on new staff and since then we've made sure they've kept up to date with training.

"If they know what they're doing then they can give the best service to customers."

Greg and Rosemary received a framed certificate to mark their achievement and £50 in gift vouchers.

ZPictured above: Greg Martin and his partner Rosemary Leach at the Finishers Arms.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.