MEMBERS of the ACT group who are aiming to find a new theatre for amateur groups in Bolton are meeting next Wednesday at 7.30pm at St Paul's Church Lounge, Deansgate, Bolton.

Anyone interested in the project is invited to attend.

People from ACT have met representatives of the Excel Leisure Centre, Bridgeman Street and the Technical College, Manchester Road, with a view to a joint project to acquire finance to redesigning the hall at the north end of the building.

The new theatre would be multi-purpose and would be able to be used by college staff and students plus any local amateur operatic, dramatic, musical and orchestral societies.

The ACT committee has put forward a number of proposals that they feel should be discussed by all interested parties whether they are society representatives or interested individuals.

MEMBERS of the ACT group who are aiming to find a new theatre for amateur groups in Bolton are meeting next Wednesday at 7.30 pm at St Paul's Church Lounge, Deansgate, Bolton.

Anyone interested in the project is invited to attend.

People from ACT have met representatives of the Excel Leisure Centre, Bridgeman Street and the Technical College, Manchester Road, with a view to a joint project to acquire finance to redesign the hall at the north end of the building.

The new theatre would be multi-purpose and would be able to be used by college staff and students plus any local amateur operatic, dramatic, musical and orchestral societies.

The ACT committee has put forward a number of proposals that they feel should be discussed by all interested parties whether they are society representatives or interested individuals.

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