Wayne Sleep Bright young things get a chance to show top form YOUNG amateur dancers from dance schools throughout the UK - including Bolton - will be performing in the Stars in Our Eyes show at the Palace Theatre, Manchester, tomorrow and Sunday.

On Saturday the Dawn Dawson Bolton Academy of Dance and Stage is featured.

On Sunday, taking part are: Deryl Morton's The Academy of Classical Dance and Stage; the Diane Appleyard School of Dancing, all Bolton, and the Norma Appleyard Apple Dance Centre, Bury.

Cheryl Baker, Bonnie Langford and Wayne Sleep are hosting the show.

The Stars In Our Eyes production features a variety of song and dance - from classical to street dancing, taking in ballet, tap, folk and traditional.

And the show, organised by Mardi Gras Promotions, features different routines from the likes of Saturday Night Fever, Annie, Riverdance and Men in Black.

A percentage of each show's takings is given to the Society of Stars charity.

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