LONG distance walker Brian Fisher is a real ton-up trekker.

For Brian, aged 47, passed the stamina test in style when he completed his maiden 100-mile walk without any major stops - in aid of the Cancer Research Campaign.

Brian, of Pennine Road, Chorley, was one of 475 walkers who took part the 'Durham Dales 100' - 107 of whom could not handle the gruelling event and dropped out.

He was given 48 hours to do the walk but completed it in 40. He had already walked a 30 and 50-miler to qualify for his toughest challenge so far.

A member of the South Lancashire group of the Long Distance Walking Association, Brian, who works for sheet metal company Bonney and Greenhalgh, Ashby Street, Chorley, said: "This was my first hundred. I only got two blisters at the latter end of it, but I was able to walk on them.

"The farthest I had walked before was 62. I did that last year for Help the Homeless."

Brian chose the Cancer Research Campaign because his cousin serves on the local committee.

He added: "I wanted to do it for the campaign because it is such a great cause and I know the money raised will go towards finding new cures and treatments for cancer."

Mike Davis, the campaign's area fundraiser, said: "It was an incredible achievement and we are delighted Brian decided to do it for the campaign to help give hope to the one in three people who will get cancer in their lifetime."

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