SIR: I must respond to Caroline Smith's recent letter on gay issues. From her letter it is clear she has obviously chosen to live a lifestyle without God, like many people today, and her views are coloured by her decision. However, the Bible clearly teaches us that God made men and women to have one sexual partner, of the opposite sex, and to be united with that partner until death. Anyone (except the celibate) who chooses any other sexual behaviour (gay or straight) disobeys what God requires of us.

Being homosexual or lesbian is a choice, just as is committing adultery, robbing pensioners, murdering children or changing your job. We all face choices all the time. Sometimes we choose right, sometimes we don't, but that never changes the rules that God laid down when he created us.

The bottom line, sadly missed even by some Christians, is that every one of us is imperfect and has offended God. Yet God still loves every one of us, whatever we have done.

The Bible tells us that we can be forgiven if we believe in God, turn away from our wrongdoing and acknowledge Jesus Christ and his sacrifice.

I have made that choice, I know Tom Jones has made that choice, and I know there is nothing to stop Caroline Smith making that choice, if she wants to.

P Payne

Plodder Lane


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