A FORMER pupil from Bolton School is heading to Bosnia on a mercy mission.

But to get there, he needs some help himself.

Nick Burton, aged 20, is travelling with a team from the Daisy Chain charity at the end of March.

They will take a medical operating theatre donated by a London hospital together with furniture, clothing and food supplies, but to cover the cost of their work, each team member needs to raise £500 through sponsorship.

Although he has received some donations Nick, who is currently studying in Nottingham, needs more help to reach the target.

He can be contacted on 0115 9474425. Donations of food and clothing can be made direct to the charity at 49 Brindley Road, Bilborough, Nottingham, NG8 4BX.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.