FUNDRAISERS from Bury made heads turn when they dressed as a wedding party on the 'Dublin Dash'.

The 'bride, groom and two bridesmaids' handed out pieces of wedding cake and sugared almonds to their bemused "audiences" up and down the country as part of a challenge posed by Marie Curie Cancer.

Groom Martyn Frost and his female team members raised £1,000 and reached Dublin on just £15.

Martyn, who works at the Chiquito Mexican Restaurant in Pilsworth together with his 'bride' Maria Tansey and bridesmaids Emma and Laura Jackson, said: "The reaction of the public was great. A lot of people on the way did think we were getting married and congratulated us - or shouted 'don't do it!'."

The team travelled from Bolton's Pack Horse Hotel to Dublin via 30 modes of sponsored transport and the schedule was even more hectic than they envisaged, Martyn said.

One of the high points was a trip in a hot air balloon near Chester but they also used a fire engine, police car, ambulance, Army tank, rescue boat, steam train and helicopter.

"We were absolutely shattered when we arrived , but we had a great time. It is the sense of achievement at the end of it that is the best thing about the Dublin Dash, and it is for a good cause."

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