A WORSLEY pub has proved to be a real vintage inn.

Not only has it won a coveted good service award from its parent pub chain Vintage Inns.

But landlord of The Woodside Stuart Mason is also getting geared up for an invasion of vintage cars and bikes at the Ellenbrook Road pub.

Delighted Stuart is hoping the event later this summer will be a big success.

He said: "We're really pleased with getting the award. Vintage Inns send round mystery customers to check up on levels of customer service.

"If you rate a score of at least 90 per cent you are awarded a special plaque.

"Now we want to build on this good news by getting as many people as possible to take part in the car and bike show."

The Summer Extravaganza event planned for August 3 aims to build on the success of a similar fun day held outside the pub last year.

Stuart added: "We want to make it a big one so anyone with a vintage car or bike should get in touch with us as soon as possible."

Vehicle owners can call him on 0161 703 7709.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.