A PRESTIGIOUS conference backed by Bolton City Challenge and Bolton Bury TEC opened today.

Teachers and business people from across Britain will attend the "Primary Schools and Businesses - The Mutual Benefits of Partnership" conference. It is the first time a conference of this nature and scale has been held in the North-west.

The conference will focus on how primary schools and companies can work together to give young children an insight into the world of work, widening their horizons, giving them a sense of responsibility and providing exciting experience outside the classroom.

Bolton City Challenge and Bolton Bury TEC, which both support links between local schools and companies, are sponsoring the conference at the Bolton Moat House Hotel today and tomorrow. Delegates will be able to take part in workshops.

Norman Garner of Bolton Bury TEC said: "This is a real coup for us and we are delighted to be hosting such an important event, which will attract so many teachers and business people."

Backed by the Bolton Evening News, Oxford Grove Primary School pupils will be at the conference to interview delegates and produce a newsletter.

"We are very excited at being involved in this - it will be something really different for the children to try," said headteacher Paul Kelly.

Cllr Bob Howarth, City Challenge Chairman, said: "It is very pleasing to see such a prestigious conference being held here in the North West for the first time - I'm sure the organisers were influenced in no small way by the success of ours and Bolton Bury TEC's partnership schemes."

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