OFFICIAL complaints about Lofty the Lion have finally been sent to the Football Association by Wolves fans - almost two weeks after controversy flared. The FA will be able to consider the accusations levelled by furious fans of the Midlands club early next week.

Supporters' club treasurer Muriel Bates confirmed yesterday that a letter outlining their complaints about the mascot's antics at the Bolton v Wolves game had been posted to FA headquarters in London.

Delays in lodging the formal protest following the January 18 match occurred because one of the most aggrieved fans lives outside Wolverhampton and officials had to liaise with him.

Mrs Bates said: "The protests have been formally explained and we expect the FA to get the letter by Monday."

The BEN reported earlier this week that the FA has already received a letter from Bolton Wanderers making certain assurances about future conduct.

Lofty tamed his act for the home game last Saturday, keeping his distance from Luton supporters and only giving them a timid wave.

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