Horwich Police are investigating complaints from local shopkeepers about a bogus charity collector.

Several shopkeepers in the town centre claim they were conned by a woman last week asking them to help a good cause.

But the traders became suspicious after a local hairdresser found that the woman had told different stories to different people.

The woman, described as in her late 40s, tall with bleached-blonde, curly hair, told the hairdresser she was raising money for her daughter who had spina bifida. The hairdresser handed over £1 and three customers in the salon also gave donations. But at a neighbouring greengrocer's on Chorley New Road, the woman said she was collecting for her niece and mentioned something about pony trekking. The same story was told at another shop on the same road.

The hairdresser, who does not want to be named, said she had not seen the woman before.

Insp Peter Holden of Horwich Police said that officers were still making inquiries to check out the validity of the claims. He warned people not to part with money for charity unless they were sure that the collectors were genuine.

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