From the Evening News, May 17, 1971

RUGBY-mad Leigh fans painted the town red and white last night to welcome home Alex Murphy's Cup-winning side after they beat Leeds at Wembley. An estimated 40,000 people thronged the 10-mile victory route through Boothstown, Tyldesley and Atherton before the team's bus was cheered by 35,000 cheering fans in front of the Town Hall.


oof+bs=13o From the Evening News, May 16, 1871

A MOST determined act of suicide was committed by a young woman at an early hour yesterday morning. As the train leaving Derby for the North arrived at Duffield Church, about four miles from Derby, a young well-dressed woman was observed to deliberately place herself across the line upon which the train was approaching. The engine and train went over her body, cutting it to pieces. The remains, which presented a dreadful spectacle, were promptly gathered up and taken to Mr Longdon's Kings Head Inn, where they were placed in an outbuilding to await the coroner's inquest. The cause of her mental derangement is supposed to be religious monomania.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.