Car stealers, muggers, vandals and thieves,

Must all be laughing up their sleeves.

Confident they'll do no time,

Even though they know they're committing crimes.

Because the prisons are all filled,

With honest people who can't pay their bills.

Council Tax you can't pay, they'll soon be around

To take you away. Not paid the TV Licence

Now that's a crime, for that you'll have to do some time. If you've no job and your mortgage can't pay

They'll take your home, and put you away.

All these things are treated like crimes

But most are just honest people

Who've fallen on hard times.

Not all try to bleed Social Security dry

There are no jobs, but still they try.

They keep looking for employment in vain

What they saved for old age, is now down the drain.

What a terrible sad state of affairs

Who can blame them for feeling nobody cares.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.