LEIGH Centurions are still backing Kiwi star Alan Mason despite the uncertain start to his English career.

Mason was bitterly disappointed to be substituted before half time in Sunday's 19-16 defeat at Hunslet and has had heart-to-heart talks with Hilton Park management.

Although he has come up with two tries in four games, Mason is unhappy with his own play and will drop down to the reserves tomorrow night in an effort re-discover the sort of form that prompted Leigh to sign the stand-off from the Hawkes Bay Unicorns club.

"Obviously the whole team hasn't gone well so far and as a consequence Alan has found it difficult to settle into any sort of pattern or form," says chairman Mick Higgins.

"He's had a chat with the coaching staff and got some things off his chest and he's feeling a little happier with things.

"His reputation as a class player has put him under pressure and he knows a lot is expected of him. he's decided to play in the reserves this week in an effort to get some sort of form going and reduce the pressure he's under.

"But make no bones about it Alan Mason is a good player, far better than we've seen so far. I'm sure he'll come good."

Mason will be in an Alliance side that is looking for a second successive win. They meet Sheffield Eagles at Hilton Park in a game switched from Thursday at Sheffield.

Prop Tim Street is expected to quickly shake off the bout of gastric trouble that forced his late withdrawl from the team that travelled to Hunslet. Street would then get an automatic recall for Sunday's home clash with Prescot Panthers.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.