SIR: On a clear day, from Rivington Pike you can see Blackpool Tower and feel the sea breezes.

Lower down Horwich on Thursdays you can hear the strains of organ music for dancing, but it's not coming from Blackpool - it's the RMI club on Ramsbottom Road.

So we don't have to travel 40 miles and pay heavy for drinks; it's all here in Horwich.

The Greenwood Pub has always been a Mecca for singers, organ music; a must. So Horwich has scored again for dancers at the RMI with professional music.

If one still yearns to dance to Annie Laurie, Mull of Kintyre or "Do you want you're old lobby washed down" (heady stuff), no doubt if the music can be found it could be played - but do you?

They manage on Come Dancing with traditional music, but they could be a little more advanced perhaps.

John F Flynn, Curzon Road, Heaton, Bolton.

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