A FOUR man team from the Lamb Hotel, Blackburn Road, Astley Bridge, are Bolton's quiz champions.

In an exciting two-leg final, they just nosed in front of the Anchor, Bradshawgate, to win the Bolton Evening News Challenge Shield 110-100.

The first leg was drawn at 51-51 and Lamb won the second leg 59-49, but the 10 point margin did not reflect the closeness of the contest.

Both teams were packed with stars of the Bolton quiz scene, including Anthony Wilkinson (ex-Bolton Mastermind) and Frank Kirkham (current Bolton Mastermind), who have both appeared on TV's Mastermind.

Anthony is the current question setter for the Bolton Premier League.

The Lamb team recently came third in a national quiz competition, just missing out on a fabulous holiday to Barbados as the first prize.

The two teams are champions of their respective leagues - Lamb of the Bolton Premier League and Anchor of the Bolton Tetley League.

Thanks were expressed at the final to all who had helped to make the event such a success, particularly Val Hamer and Tony Ramsden who prepared the questions.

The quizmaster for both legs was John Connolly.

The Lamb team was: Andy Greenwood (captain), Anthony Wilkinson, Nigel Howath and Dave Cryer.

The Anchor team was: Eddie Keating (captain), Frank kirkham, Peter Sigsworth, Dave Holmes (second leg) and Norman Leigh (first leg).

Anthony Wilkinson was named Individual Star - he only "dropped" one individual question over both legs.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.