A secondary school in Farnworth has received a good report from the education watchdog Ofsted.

St James' Church of England School and Sports College was one of the first local schools to be assessed under a new stricter Ofsted guidelines, which includes just 48 hours notice of an inspection.

During a two-day visit, inspectors found that the school had the potential to become outstanding.

The team praised both teachers and pupils in making the school a success.

"The overall quality of teaching and learning is good, which in turn ensures that pupils make good progress and achieve above average standards by the time they leave school," reported the inspectors, who added that the school's role in the personal development and well-being of pupils was outstanding.

The vast majority of the lessons visited by the inspectors were described as good or outstanding.

But inspectors said improvements could be made by raising standards in some subjects at Key Stage 3 and 4 and increase the use of computer technology in lessons.The leadership of the school was also singled out for praise with inspectors.

Headteacher Bob Atkinson said, "We are delighted with the report.

"It is a testament to the hard work and commitment of pupils, staff, parents and governors that make St James's the successful school that it is."