investment in Leigh's leisure facilities is starting to pay off.

Improvements, including the creation of a Leigh Sports Village, have come about after an independent trust was set up to manage them, says council leader Peter Smith.

Three years ago Wigan Council set up the Wigan Leisure and Culture Trust, a charitable organisation which runs its parks, sports centres, libraries and leisure activities.

The move meant the trust could benefit from extra financial and tax benefits which are not available to local authorities.

Now, council chiefs say the decision is paying off, with hundreds of thousands of pounds of new investment.

Cllr Smith said: "At the time our decision to set up a trust to manage leisure facilities raised some eyebrows. It was a fairly new direction and has involved a lot of hard work in setting up new systems.

"But I'm delighted to say that this has really paid off. We are seeing a whole host of improvements across the board, including new investment in our libraries, a very successful free swimming scheme for children, and new play areas and fitness centres.

"At the same time the trust is working with the council as a key partner in several major plans that will transform our borough, such as the Leigh Sports Village."

The trust's annual report for 2004/05 says Leigh Library is improving against national standards and is benefiting from £300,000 which is being spent each year to modernise library buildings, with a further £80,000 investment in new books.

A new computer system also means people can organise their borrowing online.

Howe Bridge Is one of three leisure centres in the borough to benefit from £250,000 which is being spent on general improvements and cash has also been allocated for new play areas in the town.