BUSINESS confidence has 'rocketed', with many firms expecting orders and profits to improve this year, according to a new survey.

The poll of 1,500 companies revealed that one in four planned to invest more money in their business over the next few months and a similar number believed they would be able to raise prices.

Lloyds TSB said its study also showed that firms had endured a difficult year in 2005.

Diana Brightmore-Armour, managing director of Lloyds TSB Corporate, said: "Many UK companies had a very painful time in 2005 and it is not hard to see why.

"The suppression of UK consumer spending and rocketing oil prices served to make the business environment a very challenging place to be, especially for mid-sized firms.

"However, it is encouraging to see that companies are considerably more optimistic about their business prospects in 2006 and are about to invest more as a result."