A BUSINESSMAN who by Gaynor Clarke dumped waste on land behind his pet products firm has been ordered to pay £10,000.

Alan Mark Seddon, of Bury Road, Edgworth, dumped concrete, bricks, wood and plastics behind his business, Pennine Industries, which is based at Fold Mill, in Bradley Lane, Bradley Fold, a court heard.

But Seddon has said he will appeal against the fine, which he claimed was “excessive”.

And he insisted the prosecution was only brought against him because he did not have the right paperwork.

The Environment Agency took action against Seddon after Bradley Fold residents reported that waste material was being dumped on wasteland behind Pennine Industries. Officers went to the site and found items including concrete, bricks, wood, plastics, wire and roofing materials, Bolton Magistrates Court was told.

The waste had been transferred from Seddon’s previous premises in Little Lever, which had burnt down.

But he was unable to provide evidence of an environmental permit or exemption that would have allowed him to move the waste.

Seddon, aged 58, was charged with operating a waste facility without a permit, failing to comply with a notice to remove the waste, and failing to complete and keep waste transfer notes.

After pleading guilty to the offences, Seddon was fined £7,000 and ordered to pay costs of £3,000.

Tamlyn Embley, environmental crime officer for the Environment Agency, said after Friday’s hearing: “Mr Seddon's actions were unlawful and detrimental to the environment.

“Numerous complaints were received from the local residents regarding his actions and those of his contractors.

“The fine reflects the seriousness of these incidents and should serve as a deterrent to those who continuously ignore regulations put in place to protect the environment and nearby residents.”

But Seddon said: “We got an excessive fine for what was a paperwork thing and we will be appealing against it.”