A FAMILY have been left terrified after a spate of attacks on their home.

The 27-year-old victim and her young son had a lit firework was pushed through the letterbox of the house in Athlone Avenue, Breightmet, at 9.30pm on Monday.

It is the latest in a string of incidents, which the victim, who has asked to remain anonymous, says have been happening every night for the past two weeks.

Eggs, rocks and snowballs have been thrown at the lounge window, causing damage as well as upset to the family.

The mother and her seven-year-old son have lived at the house since July. She said: “This started happening in December, but it has been every night for the past two weeks.

“I don’t know who it is or why we are being targeted like this.

“It is very scary and upsetting, especially for my little boy.

“They have thrown eggs, rocks and snowballs at the windows, which are now dirty and cracked.

“They wake us up when we are asleep at night, shouting and swearing.

“The firework could have done a lot of damage. It is very serious.”

The latest incident has been reported to the police, who have launched an investigation.

It is not known what type of firework was used in the attack.

It is believed to have failed to ignite. No damage was caused and there were no injuries.

A neighbour went round to check the mother and her son after she could hear banging.

The neighbour, who also asked to remain anonymous, said: “This is just going to keep on happening. It is every night.

“She has not done anything wrong and it is not fair on her or her little boy.

“She was screaming and crying when I went round, she was terrified by it and I stayed with her until midnight.”

Anyone with information should call police on 0161 872 5050 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.