A MOTORIST was punched in the face and knocked unconscious by a drunken yob who jumped into his car and mistook him for a taxi driver.

Shivji Adamjee was waiting to pick his wife up from work when Kieran Greevy and a friend got into his car, Bolton Crown Court heard.

He was parked outside the Yorkshire Bank, near Vogue nightclub in Bradshawgate, at about 7pm on a Wednesday night in March.

Mr Adamjee told the men to get out, explaining that he was not a taxi driver, but the men refused.

He then got out and opened the passenger doors, causing Greevy to jump out and punch him in the face. The stunned motorist was knocked unconscious and collapsed on the ground.

The incident was witnessed by people in the street and captured on CCTV, and Greevy was arrested the next day.

He gave no comment to all questions in his police interview.

Now Greevy has been jailed for his brutal attack on the innocent driver.

Geoff Whelan, prosecuting, said: “The defendant, completely unprovoked, and with a single blow, punches him in the face.

“Mr Adamjee can’t remember this. The next thing that he recalls, from his statement, is waking up in hospital.”

The video footage showed that Greevy’s friend played no part in the attack.

Greevy, aged 22, of Station Road, Blackrod, was also in breach of suspended sentences for having a baseball bat in a public place and for keeping an illegal stun gun in his house.

He said he bought the stun gun for his girlfriend for her protection.

Greevy pleaded guilty to causing actual bodily harm and was jailed for 10 months.