FIREFIGHTERS have issued a warning about cooking food and leaving it unattended after a pensioner died while making chips.

Dennis Lidderth, aged 71, was found dead at his home in Arkwright Street, Horwich, on Monday.

It is thought that Mr Lidderth, who did not have a smoke detector in his house, died from smoke inhalation some time before his body was discovered by a member of his family.

He had last been seen alive on Saturday.

Police called the fire service to investigate his death when they discovered the chip pan fire, which had burnt out, in his kitchen.

A joint investigation by officers and the fire service is still ongoing, but police have ruled out any suspicious circumstances.

Firefighters warned people never to leave chip pans unattended and, if possible, to avoid using them at all.

Watch commander Glyn McGann said: “Try to use oven chips, and if you come home after a night out and want food, order a takeaway.”

He added: “Our advice is to make sure first of all that you contact the fire service for free safety advice.

“People should give serious thought to the safety of their property and anyone living there. Make an escape plan and have a working smoke alarm.

“Anyone can request the attendance of the fire service, and we can come to your home and tailor-make an escape plan for you.”

Firefighters were yesterday handing out leaflets in the area around Arkwright Street to reassure the public, and offer fire safety advice.

They will be in the area again today, from 10am to 12.30pm.